Bitwise Agronomy is a Tasmanian-based start-up that is revolutionizing the way agriculture is managed through the use of precision analytics to help grape and berry growers forecast & manage crop variability.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work, learn and play, and pay respect to the First Nations Peoples and their elders, past, present and future.
The Sprint group of companies (The Sprint Group) includes various entities who are corporate authorised representatives (CARs) of Boutique Capital Pty Ltd ACN 621 697 621 (Boutique Capital) AFSL 508011.
Any information or advice is general advice only and has been prepared by The Sprint Group for individuals identified as wholesale investors for the purposes of providing a financial product or financial service, under Section 761G or Section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Any information or advice given does not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs and before acting on the advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. If any advice relates to the acquisition, or possible acquisition, of a particular financial product you should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statement or like instrument. The licensed entities are: Sprint VC Fiducial Pty Ltd, AR #1285856, ACN 635 249 482; Sprint Ventures Pty Ltd, AR #1285854, ACN 632 866 954; Sprint EC Management 1, LP, AR #1309709; and Sprint VCMP Carry Co Pty Ltd, AR #1309710, ACN 654 656 943.
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